Shattering Stereotypes: Prioritizing Men’s Mental Health for a Thriving Society

BY: Neighbors’ Consejo|

Men’s mental health has long been an overlooked and stigmatized topic, but the tide is changing. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the unique challenges men face when it comes to their mental wellbeing. Societal expectations, traditional gender roles, and cultural pressures often place a heavy burden on men, making it difficult for them to express their emotions or seek help when needed.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America [1] : “Over 6 million men suffer from depression per year, but male depression often goes underdiagnosed; more than 3 million men in the US have panic disorder, agoraphobia, or any other phobia; 2.3 million Americans are affected by bipolar disorder and an equal number of men and women develop the illness.”

The same source [2]  mentions some important symptoms of mental health disorders in men:

  • Escapist behavior, such as spending a lot of time at work or on sports.
  • Physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive problems, and pain
  • Misuse of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Controlling violent or abusive behavior
  • Anger, irritability, or aggressiveness
  • Risky behavior, such as reckless driving

Other important statics are [3] : “Nearly 1 in 10 men experience some form of depression or anxiety but less than half seek treatment. Feeling depressed or anxious is not unusual or shameful; In 2020, men died by suicide 3.88x more than women; about 6 out of every 10 men experience at least one trauma in their lives; men are almost two times more likely to binge drink than women, and three times as likely to die as a consequence of alcohol abuse; 49% of men feel more depressed than they admit to the people in their life.

4 Types of Mental Health Support and Resources for Men

So, here are some mental health tips for men: Build social connections; engage in a hobby; get regular exercise; nourish your body and consider counseling. “Traditionally, many men are taught not to express their feelings, such as sadness or anger [4] .”

In conclusion, addressing men’s mental health is not only a matter of individual wellbeing but also a societal imperative. By acknowledging the unique challenges faced by men and creating a supportive environment that encourages open conversations, we can break down the barriers preventing men from seeking help. It is important to remember that here, at Neighbors’ Consejo, [5] you can find professional help free, just contact us.







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