Sharing with Family, the Best Medicine for our Emotional Well-being.

BY: Neighbors’ Consejo|

The year is almost over and without a doubt, sharing with our family and friends becomes a fundamental activity to thank and feel happy about. However, do we know what specific benefits this has for our emotional well-being?

From being able to talk with our parents about our day to day, to hugging our pet because we are sad, these behaviors create a refuge in human beings to heal the emotional affectations that we may have. Family interaction and support is our first resource for mutually protecting the mental health of all its members.

According to the Mental Health Center[1]  It is necessary to differentiate that there are two types of relationships that are created in a family: good and bad. In the “good relationship”, a positive impact is generated for the individuals that comprise it, given the support that family members offer each other. In the “bad relationship”, there is a severe negative emotional impact evidenced in stress, anxiety and even depression, because by nature, we will seek refuge in our homes and, if we do not find it, we will feel unprotected.

Therefore, if any member of the family suffers from an emotional imbalance, it is recommended that [2] their loved ones be the first to support and understand them. Always create listening spaces, and if necessary, look for an expert to help in the process, constantly reminding the family member that he or she is not alone, carrying out activities that distract attention from their problem, not judging them, and above all, treating each other with compassion and empathy.




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