Motherhood’s Rollercoaster of Emotions

BY: Neighbors’ Consejo|

Pregnancy brings profound transformations, not only physically but also emotionally. As a mother-to-be, a woman experiences from joy to anxiety and uncertainty. This emotional rollercoaster is entirely normal and can be both thrilling and challenging. In this article, we delve into the emotional landscape of future moms, exploring the highs and lows, and offering valuable insights on how to navigate this transformative phase with grace and self-compassion.

“In the early newborn days, a mother has a million thoughts and things to accomplish running through her head and it is impossible to guess what she might truly need in any given moment. A simple question “what do you need right now?” might yield a variety of answers: a shower, a break from holding the baby, a nap, some fresh air, time to complete a household chore, someone to run an errand, the list goes on [1] …”

According to healthshots [2] , some of the emotions that a new mother goes through are: “Overwhelmed, confused, and worried; worrying about why their baby never sleeps and questioning their ability as a mother; they may feel overburdened with the responsibility; fatigue due to all the advice they may be getting; why don’t I bond with my baby? What am I doing wrong [3] ?”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mention some symptoms of postpartum depression:

  1. Trouble sleeping even when the baby is sleeping.
  2. Extreme fatigue
  3. Feeling numb or unable to bond or connect with the baby.
  4. Difficulty concentrating
  5. Negative or frightening thoughts about something harming the baby.
  6. Anxiety that you may not be able to care for the baby or may harm the baby.
  7. Feeling ashamed, guilty, or worthless as a mother

Postpartum Distress (PPD) is more common than you think, “PPD is not the same as the “baby blues”, which are mood changes and adjustments during the first two weeks after childbirth. Research finds that 85% of women experience these normal and expected symptoms after childbirth. They usually resolve on their own. 91% of new moms experience frightening and scary thoughts and feelings about caring for their newborn. 88% of dads also experience fearful or scary thoughts such as anxiety especially around the ability to care for their baby [4] .” In conclusion, the emotional journey of a future mom is a remarkable and unique experience. From anticipation of a new life to the uncertainties and fears that may arise, these emotions are an integral part of the path to motherhood. Embracing this rollercoaster of feelings with self-compassion and support can lead to a more fulfilling and empowering transition into motherhood. If you find yourself overwhelmed with distressing feelings and thoughts, talk to your doctor.  There is help available to you, and all you need to do is ask.  You’re not alone.






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