Ipsos Annual Mental Health Survey

In the annual survey on mental health carried out by Ipsos in 34 countries, between July 22nd and August 5th of this year, we can see how people around the world perceive mental health in relation to physical well-being, how we talk about health problems, and how they are treated by health care services.

Among the questions that people answered were, for example, “how often, if at all, would you say you think about your own mental wellbeing?”, “thinking about your own health, do you think that mental health or physical health is more important, or are they equally important?”, etc.

To know the full results of the survey, please visit https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/world-mental-health-day-monitor-2022

“The effects of stress on daily life are the most frequently reported mental health issues globally, with 63% saying they have felt (at least once) stressed to the point where it had an impact on how they live their daily lives over the last year.”


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