- The Mental Health of Gamers, a Reality that Surpasses Video GamesBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| The new Netflix series “Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet” [1] opened our eyes to a problem that perhaps many of us had not seen, the consequences of bad actions on networks, such as the ‘SWATing’ and other actions that are done online but lead to a distorted reality… Read More
- A Rainbow of Emotions, Mental Health in the LGBTQ CommunityBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| We are commemorating Pride Month, a time that invites us to celebrate love regardless of the conditions in how we give it to others. We must take advantage of this month to highlight the stigmatization that exist against this community and how this generates problems in their emotional well-being. To begin… Read More
- A “Little Hand” to Our Self-Esteem: Cosmetic Surgeries and Mental HealthBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| We are used to the constant search for perfection. How we see ourselves in front of others and even more so, with the opinions we receive on social networks makes our self-esteem rise or fall. To give us “a hand” in this process, there are cosmetic surgeries. To begin with, we mistakenly… Read More
- Laughter, A Great Idea!BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Thinking of laughter as a therapeutic benefit is not a new concept. Although during the past decade it has taken great importance, since ancient times laughter is considered as a positive emotion. Then, what are the benefits of laughing for our health? In the ancient Chinese empire, spaces were set up for… Read More
- Serving Others Makes us Happier PeopleBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| There are different ways of serving others. You can, for example, do solidarity activities for a day to help someone on the street, a family member, or a friend who needs it. You can visit a person who has no family taking a smile to them, you can carry out collaborative work… Read More
- Emotional Hunger or Emotionally Lacking?BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| The increase in consultations for what is known as “emotional hunger” has mental health specialist on alert, so they suggest not using food as an emotional painkiller. Although this expression is new, it corresponds to symptoms such as anxiety and anguish, and can generate major physical and mental health problems. According to… Read More
- Let us Break Mental Health StigmaBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| At birth, we begin a constant learning process. From a very young age we give meanings and representations to things and people around us. Culture and society play a fundamental role here, because it is how we begin to build our identity and behaviors. This explains the development of stereotypes and prejudices… Read More