- Online or Face-to-Face Communication?BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Our relationships as a society changed a few years ago with the insertion of technology and social networks into our lives. There are some people who agree with these new forms of relating and others who consider that they have distanced us more from each other. Whatever position one agrees with, these… Read More
- Joseph Pilates, an Example of Mental OvercomingBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Who would imagine that with all the physical and mental difficulties that Joseph Pilates had, he would create a training method were the control of the mind over the body, fused with strength and flexibility [1] , and would generate fantastic results for people? Pilates was the great invention of this self-defense instructor,… Read More
- A Goaaaaaal for Our HealthBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Soccer is a world-renowned sport; the “jogo bonito” brings together hundreds of people, making them put aside their difference to celebrate around a ball. There are different emotions that occur when we watch or play soccer, do you know what are they? “Records trace the history of soccer back more than 2,000… Read More
- Baths and Mental HealthBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Taking a bath is a daily activity, thanks to it, we can stay clean, wake up, relieve pain, etc., and it is important to highlight that this is not an activity of this century, as many think. “The ancient Greeks were the first to develop showers, where water actually flowed through lead… Read More
- How can I be Happy at my Job?BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| This question is perhaps one of the many we ask ourselves when we have situations in our work that pressure us to the point of wanting to quit, yell or take it out on colleagues. This situation is produced by the lack of emotional stability to analyze situations and develop correct answers,… Read More
- Breastfeeding not only Benefits the Baby, it also Provides Emotional Stability to the MotherBY: Neighbors’ Consejo| August is National Breastfeeding Month, a time to highlight the importance of this activity for mothers and the benefits for their babies. In addition, it is important to know what mental health benefits breastfeeding brings to mothers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [1], “breastfeeding is the source of… Read More