Articles July 2022

  • Believe It or Not, Believe
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Believe… We believe in everything or we believe in nothing. Believing is the formation of concepts in different areas of our lives that allow us to interact with others. However, many times these beliefs can be as good as possible or so bad, that they can harm us. How do beliefs affect…
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  • Reading Brings Great Benefits to Our Mental Health
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Reading is an activity that we learned from a young age and it is almost a natural behavior in our daily routine. Literature, scientific articles, novels, poems, essays, there are many personal preferences around this topic but do we know the benefits of reading for our mental health? According to the National…
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  • Fundraising: An Activity that Goes Beyond Raising Resources
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Fundraising is an activity people generally understand as a way to support a cause of a company, organization, nonprofit or person. However, this activity goes further, because it contributes to generating wellbeing in others and above all, in ourselves.  According to, [1]  “fundraising is generally defined as the process of soliciting…
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  • Make Your Mental Health Great Again
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Every day we see ourselves immersed as citizens in politics. Which political party are we aligned with? What do we think about a senator’s decision? Whom will we vote for mayor or president? What do we think about a new law? Do we know that this democratic exercise also affects our mental…
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  • Barriers to Mental Health Care for Latino or Hispanic Communities
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Hispanic is a “person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race [1] ”. According to the United States Census Bureau [2] , “the Hispanic or Latino population, was 62.1 million in 2020, this population grew 23% while the population that was not of…
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  • Start the Day Without a Cup of Coffee? Are You Crazy?
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Start the day without a cup of coffee? Are you crazy? That is the thought of many of us who, without this drink “we feel like zombies”, without courage and strength, asleep. Despite it being a routine behavior, do we really know the benefits that this has for our mental health? According…
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  • Heat Waves “Burn Off” Mental Health Alarms
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Summer is for many of us the best time of the year because we can tan, rest and enjoy the sun. However, this year heat waves have turned into nightmares because they caused deaths, airport closures and mental health problems. If we go around the world, the panorama is not encouraging. For…
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  • Autism (ASD): Not a Mental Health Condition
    BY: Neighbors’ Consejo| Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling, trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues, difficulty regulating emotion, trouble keeping up a conversation, having inflection that does not adequately reflect personal feelings, difficulty maintaining the natural give and take of a conversation [1] , etc., may be some of the many…
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