World Health Organization: Mental Health and Climate Change Must Go Hand in Hand.
A new World Health Organization (WHO) policy brief on mental health and well-being issues around climate change was recently presented at the Stockholm+50 conference. It includes behaviors such as depression or suicidal thoughts.
For this reason, it recommends that governments have 5 main approaches to combat this situation: Integrate the issue of climate change with mental health programs, integrate support for mental health with climate action, have a global commitments, develop approaches based in the community to reduce vulnerabilities and close the large funding gap that exist for mental health and psychosocial support.
“WHO’s Member States have made it very clear mental health is a priority for them? We are working closely with countries to protect people’s physical and mental health from climate threats,”
Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, WHO climate lead, and an IPCC lead author.
Departmental news | World Health Organization