Taking Care of Our Emotional Well- being, a Goal for 2022
BY: Neighbors’ Consejo|
2022 is full of 365 new opportunities; it only depends on how we take advantage of them. There are many plans and goals that we all have, however, we cannot neglect all those that in this New Year will lead us to have a more stable mental health.
According to CPH & Associates[1] there are nine mental health resolutions for the new year: “I will commit myself to being physically active each day”; “I will resolve to be mentally healthy in the upcoming year”; “I will learn to relax and enjoy life”; “diligently speak nicely about yourself and treat yourself with respect”; “don’t be too hard on yourself”; “stay mindful and in the moment”; “act instead of reacting”; “do not allow yourself to be defined by a label”; and “I will strive to become the person I want to be”.
It is necessary to review why taking care of our mental health is vital to have a successful 2022. According to data presented by Mental Health America[2] , in the year before the pandemic, 19.86% of adults experienced some type of mental health illness; this is equivalent to 50 million of Americans. Likewise, 4.58% of adults reported having suicidal thoughts, while 15.08% of adolescents experienced episodes of depression. About 27 million adults in the US were not treated for these ailments, among other alarming figures.
Now, if you want three simple tips[3] that include healthy emotional practices, you should limit the use of your social networks, as not only will you avoid drowning in the sea of information, but also avoid falling into self- esteem games and envious comparisons; watch only TV shows or platforms that generate positive emotions in you and finally, become aware of acts you do every day… You can be your own judge!
So, some of the guidelines with which you can successfully define your goals are[4] : Be reasonable with what your goals are and your aspirations to them, in order to create a line of work for reaching its objectives; create a timeline, so you can have an organization of objectives in a timely manner; monitor progress, remember that although progress is not seen immediately, each step will lead you to achieve your goals and allow flexibility, do not judge yourself if you do not get what you want immediately, everything is a process.
[1] https://www.cphins.com/9-mental-health-resolutions-for-the-new-year/
[2] https://www.mhanational.org/issues/state-mental-health-america
[3] https://www.signalsaz.com/articles/3-tips-for-mental-health-in-the-new-year/