Companies, Pay Attention to the Mental Health of Your Employees.
The pandemic has highlighted the mental health problems that we can all have, especially employees who are…
988, the New Mental Health Number for Help in the US.
The new generations seek to be able to mix their work time with their hobbies. A good example is what has been achieved by Starbucks, which…
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues, Some of the Problems of American Soldiers.
The recent study, “Military Service Branch Differences in Alcohol Use, Tobacco Use, Prescription Drug Misuse, and Mental…
Starbucks, a Company that Cares About the Emotional Well-Being of Its Employees.
The new generations seek to be able to mix their work time with their hobbies. A good example is what has been achieved by Starbucks, which…
We Must Pay Attention to our Emotional Well-Being
Mental health is so stigmatized that while we seek help for our bodies it is ok and expected, when we want to have emotional well-being…
Men who Committed Suicide in the US did not have Mental Health Treatment.
New research by UCLA professor Mark Kaplan and colleagues, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, shows that 60%…
Free Events in Washington D.C. this Week.
Get ready to enjoy upcoming free events in the District of Columbia. On Monday, you can have a book exchange at Ivy and Coney at…
Financial Problems do not add to Good Mental Health.
Between April 6 and 8 of this year, Bankrate conducted a survey of almost 2,500 American adults to find out the impact that money has had on them.
Teens Who don’t Play Sports are More Prone to Mental Health Problems
A recent study published in the journal Plos One, showed that children who participate in team sports have better mental health than those who participate individually…
World Health Organization: Mental Health and Climate Change Must Go Hand in Hand.
A new World Health Organization (WHO) policy brief on mental health and well-being issues around climate change was recently presented at the Stockholm+50…